Saturday, November 5, 2022

Lincoln Book Review: A Patriot’s History of the United States


A Patriot’s History of the United States

From Columbus’s Great Discovery to the War on Terror

Larry Schweikart, Michael Patrick Allen

From the subtitle, it would be easy to assume A Patriot’s History is a breezy treatment of our nation’s history. From the title, it might also be assumed that this is a polemic tomb. Neither would be correct. To accommodate five centuries of history in a single volume, each episode must be tersely described, but terse does not necessarily mean unacademic. Schweikart and Allen do a superb job of describing the essence of a historic moment without being superficial. Although the authors freely admit to a belief in conservative principles, the book is not a conservative rewriting of history through creative description or omission. The authors do not gloss over some of our uncomfortable past or whitewash occasional spells of truly bad behavior. All in all, this is an excellent survey of American history.

These book reviews have focused on the Civil War and the principal players in that conflict. A Patriot’s History covers much more ground. I had read the book when it first came out and recently reread the two chapters dealing with the Civil War. When lost in the trees, it’s helpful to get a perspective on the forest This book reminded me to always keep an eye the big picture.

I would recommend A Patriot’s History as a reference book or to read cover to cover.